LPPM (London Platinum & Palladium Market) Responsible Platinum and Palladium Guidance

London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM)

The Responsible Platinum/Palladium Guidance for Good Delivery Refiners and members of the Sponge Accreditation Lists has been created to combat systematic or widespread abuses of human rights, to avoid contributing to conflict, to comply with high standards of anti-money laundering, and to combat terrorist financing. The Guidance formalises and consolidates existing high standards of due diligence amongst all PGM Refiners.

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Compare multiple standards or benchmark your own standard, code of conduct or businesses activities against those of the LPPM (London Platinum & Palladium Market) Responsible Platinum and Palladium Guidance.

  • Current Version: v4 (2022)
  • First Published: 2019