Below is a list of all of the materials that the ISO 23664 - Traceability of Rare Earths in the Supply Chain from Mine to Separated Products applies to or could be applied to.
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental international standard-setting organisation with a membership of 172 national standards bodies. It establishes best practices for a wide range of activities and sectors. ISO 23664 gives guidance on the design and use of a traceability system in a rare earth supply chain. It specifies the information to be recorded by supply chain businesses for rare earth materials or products passing through the supply chain from mine to separated products.
Compare multiple standards or benchmark your own standard, code of conduct or businesses activities against those of the ISO 23664 - Traceability of Rare Earths in the Supply Chain from Mine to Separated Products.