IRMA-Ready (Standard for Responsible Mineral Exploration and Development)

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA)

The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is a multi-stakeholder body created to meet global demand for more socially and environmentally responsible mining.

The IRMA Standard for Responsible Mineral Exploration and Development (IRMA-Ready Standard) is a response to requests from exploration and mining companies, directly affected communities, purchasers, and others for a comprehensive standard that defines best practices during mineral exploration and development, prior to the operational phase of a mine. This is referred to as the “IRMA-Ready” Standard because an exploration or proposed mining project that meets the requirements in this pre-operational Standard should be well prepared to meet requirements in the IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining if the project is developed and a mine becomes operational. The IRMA-Ready Standard was published in draft in December 2021 and the first round of public consultation closed in April 2022. The second round of public consultation is expected to take place during the fourth quarter of 2022.

Automate your workflow

Compare multiple standards or benchmark your own standard, code of conduct or businesses activities against those of the IRMA-Ready (Standard for Responsible Mineral Exploration and Development).

  • Current Version: Draft (2021)
  • First Published: 2021