GRI 14: Mining Sector

Global Reporting Initiative

The Global Reporting Initiative's Mining Sector Standard has been approved for development by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB). The Standard is currently being developed by a multi-stakeholder expert Working Group, appointed by the GSSB. It is proposed that the will apply to organisations whose primary focus lies on:​ exploration and extraction, including quarrying, and primary processing of all types of minerals, metallic and non-metallic, except for oil, gas, and coal; support activities for mining, such as transport and storage; and supply of specialised products and services to mining organisations, such as engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractors. The standard, which will be required in addition to other applicable GRI reporting requirements, focusses on 25 environmental and social issues that are material to the mining sector.

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  • Current Version: Draft (2021)
  • First Published: 2021