Home / ICAT

  • Due diligence made simple

    The number of regulations and standards related to responsible sourcing continues to rise. How do you know which ones apply to you and your suppliers? How do you manage and report against them? Use ICAT to do the hard work for you.

  • Cut through the confusion

    Create one list of requirements from multiple regulations and voluntary standards. Compare it against your own ESG safeguards and those of your suppliers to see which standards apply.

  • Easy supplier engagement

    Use the data generated by ICAT to gather information from your suppliers or investees and screen their management systems and controls.

  • Streamline your reporting

    Demonstrate compliance with the environmental, social and governance requirements of multiple standards and regulations simultaneously.

Choose the level of information that meets your business needs


Gather and compare general information on standards and regulations and the ESG issues they cover.

View information from the ICAT voluntary sustainability standards and regulations database.

Filter standards based on materials, management practices, ESG issue, verification requirements, or sector.


Export detailed ESG requirements into a checklist for easy comparison, self-assessment and reporting.

Everything from our Basic package plus:

Compare standards and regulations' ESG requirements to the most detailed level.

Download checklists of requirements for multiple standards and regulations simultaneously.

Self assess your own activity and manage and report against the activity of your suppliers and counterparts.


Input your own standard or code of conduct for equivalence analysis.

Additional analysis or reporting by TDi's responsible sourcing experts.

Everything from our Complete package plus:

We can input your own code of conduct or standard into ICAT for direct comparison against other standards and regulations at the most granular level of ESG requirements.

We can help you build your own code of conduct or standard based on your business or industry's reporting requirements.