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Documentation and information to guide your ESG analysis, management, monitoring, and mitigation.


Are you ready for the CSDDD?

What is the CSDDD, why is it so important, and how will you be affected?


What are the specific requirements for companies under the CSRD and how will you be affected?

EU Packaging and Waste Directive

Is it time to future-proof your packaging? Find out what the EU Packaging and Waste Directive means for your business.

EU Critical Raw Materials Act

How the EU Critical Raw Materials Act will reshape local business models

UK Critical Minerals Strategy

Why you need to pay attention to the UK Government's long overdue new Critical Minerals Strategy.

EU Forced Labour Regulation

Tailored information and analysis focused on exactly what you need.


Material Change for Renewables

TDi Sustainability's latest report for producers and consumers of renewable energy, on responsible sourcing considerations for the clean energy transition.

Material Change for Automotives and Electronics

A study of risks and opportunities for collective action in materials supply chains.

Deep Sea Minerals - report for the World Economic Forum

A report unpacking intensely controversial discussions on whether and how to extract deep seabed minerals.